This film is a parody of the TV series The Night Rider, where the hero tries to become like his famous colleague Michael Knight. Michael Sharp-Eyed is deeply mired in debt, and while almost on the ver...
An unemployed man who has graduated from university (Stathis Psaltis) works as an employee in a hotel, where he falls in love with a girl (Kaiti Finou) with whom he will later correspond. The girl hap...
The schoolteachers believe that they had gotten rid of the rebellious students who had harassed them so much. But the students return to classes demanding to graduate without favors. Their leader now ...
Two bosom-buddies (Kostas Voutsas and Sotiris Moustakas) become wealthy, but their lack of education and inability to find a romantic partner casts a shadow over their social allure. To avoid being ca...
An old man (Stathis Psaltis) who has been lying all his life, decides to give all his stories to his nephew so that he can turn them into a television series. His biggest lie will be his “death”, ...
A poor university student (Stathis Psaltis) realises that he is gifted with extraordinary physical strength. His life changes completely when a boxing coach (Giorgos Loukakis) discovers him and makes ...